The goal for this year’s Appeal is $55,000. The appeal will run through the end of February 2019.
This appeal will not only help St. Boniface parish balance our budget, but will provide funding for the pavement of the parking lot that is directly on the side of the church, where the old oil tanks were removed during this past summer. At various times this expense has been delayed for other major expenses, but this can no longer be the case. As you can see the pavement has deteriorated beyond repair and needs complete replacement. Along with this project, we are including the cost to connect to the town’s sewage system, which would require trenching along this part of the parking lot. Using the town sewage would be an improvement over the church’s current septic system and would prevent future pavement repairs if the septic system ever fails.
Our success, as a Parish, will be defined in terms of stewardship from all of us- contributing our time, talent, and treasure.
We ask that you fill out the pledge form found in the pews and return it by placing it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office by February 28, 2019.
Please prayerfully consider this appeal to donate towards our Parish.
Once again, “Thank You” for all you are all truly appreciated!!