CLICK HEREfor the Audio recording of the Readings of April 11th, 2020. Vigil of the Holy Night of Easter.
CLICK HEREfor the Readings of April 11th, 2020. Vigil of the Holy Night of Easter.
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April 11th, 2020. Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter.
"Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said." Matthew 28: 5
Rise with Christ and raise others to Christ
Psalms 30, the responsorial Psalm of today, 3rd reading from the Prophet Isaiah, is a hymn of thanksgiving-
Someone (definitely not from New England) bursts out in spontaneous joy, overwhelmed with gratitude by what God has done in their life. They express this with a loud praise and exhaltation. Picture a person who has a serious illness and is so close to death or a person whose life, in an instant, has been brought to a stop and they can do nothing more. Then, unknown to them, only by God’s grace and intervention, a new change turns things around. This person now appreciates the gift of life and bursts out in song.
Even more-so, if this person is a 'person of faith' he
now knows, beyond any doubt, that
‘when God says something, it happens!’...So believe!
A Christian uses this Psalm, especially tonight, to express thanksgiving for the death and Resurrection of Jesus and its meaning to us- it means shame. Sin and death does not have the
last word. With God, we are guaranteed of a future, for we too shall rise.
Matthew’s Gospel is filled with theatrical language and images to describe what really happened: picture Martha and Mary running to the tomb a few days after Jesus‘ death and burial, to see (check things out...). Then an earthquake happens, an angel from heaven descends, approaches and rolls back the stone and sat on it! (What a scene this must be!!). The guards are now shaking with fear and then he says: ‘Do not be afraid, I know you are seeking Jesus the crucified, he is not here, he has been raised,
just as he said.’ (When God says something, it happens!)
All the readings we listen to speak to this fact. In Genesis readings, the most repeated is: "Then God said…and so it happened." By his mere breathe and word, he creates everything we see. In Exodus, God says
‘go forward’ and forward the Israelites go. Yes, Pharaoh’s army is superior. They are slaves and only have that old man Moses leading them, but nothing stands in the way of God’s word. The army is destroyed before their very eyes. They walk on dry land between the oceans- now that, will make you sing out loud! When God says something, it happens!
In Isaiah, Jerusalem, a city destroyed, has been restored. She was like a wife, married in youth and then 'forsaken' (in ancient biblical langauge times, this means you are an outcast or a curse). Yet, God ‘steps in’. He becomes Jerusalem’s 'maker' and redeemer'. He
takes back what was disgraced, all by his mere word.
Do you seek Wisdom (the fount of wisdom)? Listen to God’s word, the Prophet Baruch writes. Give him your allegiance and Glory and to no other, because his word enables a good and right decision, the right discernment.
Easter is the moment for us to refocus on God and the center of our recommit ourselves. To know He who has defeated death. To seek do his will. And do not be afraid when you do this, for when God says something, it happens!
Now, there is however
'something more' about this night, a challenge: Those who rejoice in Christ who has risen, are also challenged to
raise others to Christ. In the Gospel, when Martha and Mary are rushing back from the scene full of fearful Joy, they meet Jesus and he says to them:
“Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” You see, Galilee is the city that represents all people from all walks of life, a city of Gentiles and Jews, slaves, Romans etc., people searching for the meaning and purpose of life. People hungry for witness. People who have never seen the Joy of God’s word in their lives. Galilee is our world today. For many people, Jesus is
still not Alive! The tomb is still a reality for millions in the world around us. If you look closely, beyond you, there are many who are: poor, broken, disadvantaged, distraught, unsheltered, and unclothed. They have no justice. The disciple/Christian must go bring the good news of Easter Night to them too, by the way the Christians live their lives. The Good News of Easter is never for self –No! It comes with a mandate, a commissioning: those who rise with Christ are to raise others to Christ.
Good friends, it is
easier to celebrate Easter, but harder and more meaningful
to raise others to Christ. The Easter we celebrate, requires a ‘follow up’ for you.
Our Prayer is that by our lives, we may be instruments in making sure that others know that the Resurrection is not a fake story.
Have a Blessed Easter,
Fr. Anthony
View the below video for another Reflection on the readings.
Mass: Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter
Holy Week Mass Schedule
Dear Friends, In an effort to continue the practice of our faith in these trying times due to the restrictions around the coronavirus, we invite you to join us online for Palm Sunday and Holy Week Masses.
April 12: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: WATCH HERE:5:00AM Rome with Pope Francis as the celebrant. WATCH HERE: 10:00AM Diocese of Worcester with Bishop Robert McManus as the celebrant. WATCH HERE: 12:30PM Los Angeles with Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, as the celebrant.