Did you know you can make visits to Jesus? We may not be able to attend Mass, but many churches are still open for Adoration
or silent prayer before the tabernacle, with the Blessed Sacrament present.
For Catholic Churches and Adoration Chapels open in the Worcester Diocese:
Saint Bernadette Church (chapel on the side)
266 Main St., Northboro, MA
Open 24 hours/day
Saint George Church
38 Brattle St., Worcester, MA
Emmaus Center - perpetual adoration
17 East Main St., Webster, MA
6am-9pm daily
Saint Camillus de Lellis Church
333 Mechanic St., Fitchburg, MA
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church
135 Nichols St., Gardner, MA
6am-8pm Wednesdays
Saint John the Evangelist Church
80 Union St., Clinton, MA