Sacred Scripture is one of the Church's greatest treasures, and she proclaims the written Word of God at every liturgy: the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rite of Baptism, the Rite of Confirmation, the Order of Marriage, and in the celebration of all the other Sacraments. The Church also encourages the faithful to read Scripture for study, meditation, and devotional prayer.
In order to arrive at a proper and accurate interpretation of Scripture, we must pay attention first to the intent of each of the Sacred Authors, the literary styles each one employed, and the symbolic language each one used; second we must read every passage of the Word of God within the context of Scripture as a whole, Sacred Tradition, and the doctrinal and moral truths taught by the Catholic Church.
-The Didache Bible
The fathers of the Second Vatican Council identified three main criteria for interpreting Scripture. We should attend to the following:
The Tradition of the Church also recognizes that Scripture has both a literal sense, which forms the basis for understanding all the "senses" of Scripture, and a spiritual sense, consisting of the following:
-The Didache Bible