On Saturday, January 21st from 5:00 to 6:00PM and on Sunday, January 22nd from 9:00AM-10:00AM as well as Sunday, January 22nd from 11:30 to 12:30PM, the Saint Boniface Knights of Columbus will be hosting a delicious and convenient pasta meal.
Proceeds will go toward the Knights' charitable activities in our Parish and our community.
Dinner includes pasta, homemade sauce, meatballs, and rolls and butter. $10 per dinner.
Meals can be purchased after the weekend Masses in the weeks before the date or purchased online by completing the below form or purchased at the door on the day of the actual meal.
Meals can be picked up at Saint Boniface's Parish Hall by using the lower parking lot door.
The Knights of Columbus are terrific Stewards of the Church, please show your Stewardship by supporting this Take-Out Dinner with your purchase of a couple meals.