May is the Month of Mary. For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, Mother of God. Not just a day in May, but the entire month.
In medieval times, similar customs abounded, all centering around the practice of expelling winter, as May 1st was considered the start of new growth. During the medieval times, the tradition of Tricesimum, or “Thirty-Day Devotion to Mary,” came into being. Also called, “Lady Month,” the event was held from August 15-September 14 and is still observed in some areas.
The idea of a month specifically dedicated to Mary can be traced back to baroque times. Although it wasn’t always held during May, Mary Month included thirty daily spiritual exercises honoring Mary. It was in this era that Mary’s Month and May were combined, making May the Month of Mary with special devotions organized on each day throughout the month. This custom became especially widespread during the nineteenth century and remains in practice until today.
Anything you do, make it appealing and a real tribute to her beauty and virtue.
Not only because it is a long-standing tradition in the Church. Not only because there are special graces connected to it...
Do it because Mary is the Mother of Christ – your mother, everyone’s mother – and because she cares for all of us day-in-and-day-out without fail, interceding for us in even the tiniest matters.
For that, she deserves an entire month in her honor.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is honored as the Mother of God because she conceived and gave birth to Christ, who is the incarnation of God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.
LEARN MORE about the Blessed Virgin Mary
Two Marian liturgical celebrations are commemorated in May.