November 28th/November 29th, 2020, the Advent Season starts. Advent marks the beginning of the new Liturgical Year of the Church and is the season of 4 weeks that prepares us spiritually for the Birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ at Christmas.
We will have the Blessing of the Advent Wreath at all Masses on the weekend of November 28th/29th. In addition, look for our table of Advent books for spiritual nourishment reading during this season.
Also, as we have done the last couple years, we will have Guest Celebrants and Homilists at the Saturday Advent 4:00PM Masses.
Our Guest Celebrants are:
Nov. 28th: Monsignor Jim Maroney, Rector of Saint Paul's Cathedral and Director of the Office of Worship in the Diocese.
Dec. 5th: Father Dennis O'Brien, former Pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Leominster and presently Minister of Priests of the Diocese.
Dec. 12th: Father Enoch, Director of the African Catholic Ministry
Dec. 19th: Monsignor John Duran, former Pastor of Saint Leo's Parish in Leominster
These are great priests and terrific preachers...We encourage you to participate and be nourished. We will simulcast the 4:00PM Masses in the downstairs hall because of limiting seating in the upper church.
You can also follow us online with a live broadcast through facebook (you do not need to have facebook to view this broadcast...check the homepage of the website for the links.
READ MORE about the Advent Season and what it means.