May 24th is the Seventh Sunday of Easter. The Mass with Fr. Anthony as the celebrant is posted every Sunday. Join us in your homes and participate in the celebration of Mass.
On Sunday, May 17th from 1:00PM through 2:00PM, we will be distributing in the parking lot at Saint Boniface, your Mass Home Sanctuary kits. These sanitized kits are available to all.
On Monday May 18th, 2020 at 7 PM, the Confirmation Class will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at Saint Cecilia's Church, 168 Mechanic Street, Leominster, MA.
Pentecost Sunday is May 31st, 2020. Pentecost is the celebration of Jesus' sending of the Holy Spirit. This occurs 50 days after Easter and concludes the Easter Season. The Mass returns this weekend at Saint Boniface. Saturday Mass at 4:00PM and Sunday Mass at 9:00AM.
Thursday May 21st is the Ascension of the Lord. The Ascension occurred forty days after the Resurrection of the Lord on Easter Sunday. This is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation. Fr. Anthony is the celebrant of the Mass.
May 17th is the Sixth Sunday of Easter. The Mass with Fr. Anthony as the celebrant is posted every Sunday. Join us in your homes and participate in the celebration of Mass.
May 10th is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. The Mass with Fr. Anthony as the celebrant is posted every Sunday. Join us in your homes and participate in the celebration of Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration for the month of May will begin on May 6th and will be held on every Wednesday of May. The Church will be open from 12:00 - 6:00PM for these adoration days.
May 3rd is the Fourth Sunday of Easter. The Mass with Fr. Anthony as the celebrant is posted every Sunday. Join us in your homes and participate in the celebration of Mass.
The month of May is a special time for Catholics to pay homage to our Blessed Mother Mary. We pay homage to her. Contrary to misconceptions, we do not worship her. As Catholics, we honor Mary.