Easter is Sunday, April 12th 2020. For the celebration of Mass of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we will post on our website the Easter Sunday Mass from the Vatican and the Easter Sunday Mass from the Diocese of Worcester. We will also have posted the Easter Vigil Mass from Saint Boniface with Fr. Anthony as the celebrant.
Easter Vigil is Saturday, April 11th, 2020. Fr. Anthony is the celebrant for the Mass which will be posted on our website by 7:30PM. The Easter Vigil Mass is one of the most beautiful and sacred Masses of the year. Light of Hope.
Sunday Offerings are the financial life blood of our parish. These weekly offerings are needed to pay the operational bills of our parish facilities: our church building, rectory, and the grounds and the remuneration of Church employees. With no public Mass, we lose our ability to receive contributions that support and pay the bills. We need your help.