Weekly offerings are collected at Mass in the 1st collection basket. Special offerings are collected in the 2nd collection basket throughout the year for monthly maintenance, fuel costs, and charitable organizations. We have envelopes for parishioners to use during the offertory collections at Mass in which cash and checks can be used. CONTACT our office to request your parishioner envelopes.
We also have Online Giving Options for those who want to create automatic offerings or use paperless giving. Debit cards, credit cards and electronic checks can be used with the Online Giving Options.
Gifts to the church are typically tax deductible. Each parishioner is given an envelope number/parishioner number for you to use with your gift. At the end of the calendar year you can request from the office the amount you had given for the calendar year. CONTACT our office to obtain an envelope number /parishioner number.
Select any of the offerings below for complete descriptions and dates of the collections.
Select any of the following to make your Online offering. Thank you for your offerings and commitment to Saint Boniface.
DONATE HERE for direct human humanitarian aid to the people in Ukraine.
"My dear friends in Christ,
As the Bishop of Worcester, I thank God for the great generosity of our parishioners when asked to offer a compassionate response to people in crisis.
Along with praying for peace in the Ukraine this Lent, I join with the bishops throughout the United States to ask you to consider making a donation in response to the humanitarian crisis which is unfolding in the Ukraine and in the surrounding countries of Eastern Europe which are providing a haven to Ukrainian refugees..."
READ MORE from Bishop Robert J. McManus, Diocese of Worcester
Building on the legacy of faith with which we have been entrusted, it is our privilege to provide hope for the future of the Catholic Church in Central Massachusetts. With this is mind, we invite you to be part of the Legacy of Hope Capital Campaign, a landmark financial endeavor to strengthen our local parish communities and our diocesan Church.
Those who are contributing to the Sunday Offerings through online giving by credit card, debit card, electronic check or ACH, are encouraged to participate in the Offertory collection basket during the Mass.
Please, use these offertory cards as an outpouring of your blessings, given to you by God.
The below cards can be found at the entrances of the church.
Also, there will be different 2nd Collection Offertory cards for those weeks when there are 2nd collections.
CLICK HERE to sign in and manage your Online Contributions.