Join Fr. Anthony as he reflects on his memories from his childhood days through his life's journey from Uganda to Lunenburg...READ HERE
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READ HERE about ideas on how to do this for all different ages. In this faith formation program, every week we share new information based on the present week's Sunday readings. Read along as a family and learn how you can share and pass along your Catholic faith.
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Sunday, July 5th, 2020, the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
We have all watched with horror the scenes in Seattle Washington; a group of people who take law into their own hands. They decide they will ‘do it themselves’: no rule of law, no order, no authority- what they are, in fact, saying is we will listen to no one but us, seek what we want. The result of such an attitude has and will always be chaos.
This weekend the readings given to us for reflection help Christians/believers not to fall into the same predicament. For it is certain as human beings, we always thirst for better, we seek a template for good living in life, there are moments bound to come in our lives when we are agitated, restless...upheavals in our spiritual lives. We get lost and confused and so what do we do? Where do we find guidance? The readings are clear: Accept no substitutes, Jesus or Nothing else. Only Jesus will do. We must always come back to Jesus as the model of living, ‘put on’ his way of life, allow the spirit of Christ to ‘flourish’ in us. This is the message of the readings.
The prophecy of Zechariah was concerned with the ‘rebuilding’ of the Israelite nation after its exile and destruction of the temple. Zechariah’s charge is restoration. He in particular prepares the people for a new era of hope. This new era will be ushered in by the coming of a different kind of Messiah, a king savior whose coming will bring peace to the nation. His intent is peace and he will be a peace-giving King. The restoration of the nation will no longer come about by force, power or prestige.
See, your king shall come to you;
a just savior is he,
meek, and riding on an ass,
on a colt, the foal of an ass.
He shall banish the chariot from Ephraim,
and the horse from Jerusalem;
the warrior’s bow shall be banished,
and he shall proclaim peace to the nations.
Zechariah 9: 9-10
You see, ‘the Chariot’, ‘the horse’ and ‘the warrior’s bow’ in the ancient world of the scriptures are the instruments of seeking and achieving. These instruments of dominion and success will be exchanged for ‘a donkey’, humility and selfless service.
Do we need to heed to this prophetic message of Zechariah today? Peace must be the clear intent of our relationships. We can restore the world's ills and fractures by self-giving and non self seeking service to one another. Not by dominion or force. We seek peace not war.
For what did Jesus come? Matthew’s gospel makes clear – it is to reveal God the Father. And no one does this except the Son. When we ‘are like’ the Son, we discover the Father.
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
Matthew 11: 28-30
Who are the burdened ones who need to come to Jesus? Who are those who ‘labor’ today? Who are those who seek ‘rest’? Might it be us? Who's ‘yoke’ needs to be eased?
How might we best continue the mission of Jesus in today’s world bringing many to Jesus? To assure them of God’s presence and closeness? What kind of attitude will do this best? The rules and perfectionisms of the ‘wise and the learned’ do not work either? What works?
Let us allow the ‘Spirit of Jesus’ to ‘dwell’ in us and live that spirit ‘inside out’ as we live our daily lives. This is a good starting point.
A Blessed week in the Lord!
Fr. Anthony
View the below videos for another Reflection on the readings.
Into the Breach is a call to battle for Catholic men which urges them to embrace wholeheartedly masculine virtues in a world in crisis.
WATCH HERE all episodes of this video series, produced by the Knights of Columbus.