Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of the Lord, whom we por-tray as a precious infant in a simple manger at the end of this season. But there are two more arrivals of our Lord to contemplate during this season of preparation and they tend to be overlooked. One day Jesus Christ will come again in glory as the world ends and he delivers his final judgment. He gives a glimpse of this to his disciples in today’s Gospel. But let us also consider his third appearance—to each of us personally, into our hearts and into our lives as we embrace him as his disciples. As we celebrate today, let us consider how we can welcome him ever more intimately into our lives.
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word
Today’s readings focus on two comings of Jesus: as the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Chosen People and as judge at the end of time. The prophet Jeremiah and the apostle Paul offer words of hope and encouragement to their people as they anticipate these events. In the meantime, Paul advises the Thessalonians, they should act even more out of love for one another. May these words serve to prepare us as well during this holy season of expectation.
• The Gospel is a frightening one, and the final line is outright terrifying:
“Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).
Matthew tells us what it is like to stand before the Son of Man. Have I given food to my hungry brothers and sisters, or provided for them in their need, or cared for them when they’re sick, or visited them in prison? Just to get to that point, we must survive great suffering. Since we don’t know when it will happen, we must be prepared to face judgment at all times. We have been warned!
• Let Paul’s words comfort us, lest we despair. The One who judges is also the one who comes to our assistance. When Paul prays that the Christians in Thessalonians be made blameless for the judgment, he prays to the Lord. The judge himself will strengthen us for the last judgment. It’s like being given the answers to our final exam! We know what we must do; we must act accordingly, “increase(ing) and abound(ing) in love for one another and for all” (1 Thessalonians 3:12).
• How do we do this? Perhaps the secret to preparing for the Lord’s coming—at Christmas, at the Last Judgment, or fully into our hearts—is to act as if the Lord is already here. After all, he is. Do we see the Lord in our brother and sister in need? The more willingly we see the Lord in our neighbor, the more easily we love those whom we would otherwise overlook, dismiss, or outright reject. How easily do we focus our love solely on our own loved ones, or, worse, just ourselves? May we see Jesus in all those in need and act accordingly.
Question of the Week
Can I name a person or group of people whom I now realize I have overlooked? How can I seek out Jesus in my neighbor?
readings of the mass
LISTEN HEREto the Audio Recordings of the Readings of Sunday, November 28th, 2021, First Sunday of Advent.
SELECT HEREfor the Readings of Sunday, November 28th, 2021, First Sunday of Advent.
Tootsie Roll Drive
After the Masses on November 27th and 28th, the Saint Boniface Knights of Columbus will be accepting cash donations as part of their “Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities”
Donate any amount and receive a Tootsie Roll (or two)! If you did not get a chance to donate, you may also donate online.
Lectio Divina is a method for praying with the Scriptures. The Latin phrase “lectio divina” may be translated as “divine reading.”...READ MORE and pray this Advent Season in the form of Lectio Divina.
“But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.”
We celebrate Advent each year in preparation for the birth of Jesus, His first coming, as we await His second coming. What will you do differently this Advent season to grow in friendship and love with Jesus? How will you inspire others to do the same? Start by sharing your God story with others, especially those closest to you. Invite and accompany them on their faith journey this Advent.
When and what is the meaning of the Advent Season? PREPARE